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In July 2022, just days before Total Life Changes® held its Gravity event in Las Vegas, Naja Levels discovered that her husband was having an affair. The news devastated her, threatening to throw her into a depression. Having planned to attend the Gravity event for years, she decided to go despite her turmoil and left with a passion for completing The 15 Day Challenge.

Week 4 Naja LevelsLevels, a mother of six children, considered the challenge important to present the best version of herself to those she loves. “I made a commitment that I would be nicer to myself and forgive myself,” she said. “I can put myself first without being selfish!”

Throughout her challenge, Levels altered her diet, eating less sugar and more fruits and vegetables, and incorporated more exercise into her routine. Along with these changes, she recognized the need for healthy mental habits, practicing “positive self-talk” and processing her emotions, “not EATING them!” She increased her emotional awareness and carved out time in each day to simply do something that made her happy, like walking, swimming, or baking. The 15 Day Challenge helped Levels commit to herself. “Moving my body is a dedication to me, and it’s a continuous way that I love myself.”

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