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“Before this 15 Day Challenge, I felt disappointed in myself.” Zaynah Witter joined The 15 Day Challenge because she felt that she needed help. “I felt heavy mentally and physically. I knew I needed a change.” Witter’s third challenge gave her the energy to focus on taking care of herself and her ten-year-old daughter.

Week 8 Zaynah WitterThough Witter typically avoids weighing herself, she found that over three challenges, she lost between 10 and 15 pounds. She began drinking five or six bottles of water per day, eating more fruits and vegetables, and utilizing the products in The 15 Day Challenge Kit. She incorporated a practice that she calls “Walk & Worship” into her routine, waking up early, praying, and walking outside for 30 minutes. After practicing this routine for 15 days, she claimed to feel better and have a stronger mindset.

Witter plans to continue her routine with more 15 Day Challenges. “I won’t stop what’s working for me!” she said. “I’ve gained a higher respect for myself because I actually finished what I started. Who could have imagined that one day at a time for two weeks was the missing link?”

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