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Shawndreka Benton began her first 15 Day Challenge just days after her forty-first birthday, amid a tumultuous time in her personal life. Between caring for her mother after hip replacement surgery, trying to restore her relationship with her father, and paying for her daughter to attend college, Benton felt overwhelmed. “It felt like I was doing 2–4 challenges at once, on top of being a wife, mom, and nana,” she said. “Before starting, I knew my mind was in a different space, and I needed a change.”

Week 11 Shawndreka BentonDuring her second challenge, Benton drank a gallon of water every day, participated in full-body workouts and cardio, cut red meats from her diet, stopped eating after 7 p.m., and prioritized better sleep. After making changes to her lifestyle over two challenges, she lost a total of 9 pounds! She also used products, such as The 15 Day Challenge Kit, to help her “cleanse and replenish” throughout her journey. “It’s a total mind, body, and soul thing going on here, cleaning you out from the inside, from head to toe!”


The 15 Day Challenge gave Benton the chance to reconnect with herself. “After physically getting my mindset all the way together, I knew I had to KILL this challenge for ME!” she said. “I’m back to ME! The pressures of the world don’t feel so heavy now.”

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