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Before The 15 Day Challenge, Anna Gutierrez struggled to stay active. Having been overweight for most of her life, physical activity drained her energy quickly, and she began to have trouble breathing. During her third challenge, however, Gutierrez committed to daily workouts: “I’ve noticed I am no longer tired and have a lot of energy.”

Week 8 Anna GutierrezA pivotal moment caused Gutierrez to realize how much progress she had made. She spent a day with her husband’s biking team and rode 15 miles. “I was not out of breath or tired, and I feel like I could have gone longer!” The team applauded Gutierrez and left her with pride in her accomplishment. “I feel that this changed everything for me and my mindset.”

After her third challenge, during which she improved her diet and implemented twice daily workouts, Gutierrez had lost a total of 7 pounds, and her shirt size dropped two sizes. Alongside the physical benefits, she experienced a shift in her mindset, she gained clarity about the best choices for herself and her family, and her self-esteem grew. “I am in a better mood and feel better about myself,” she said. “It helped with all my stress. There are no words to express how different I feel.”

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