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About Gwendolyn Branch:

She has completed 6 Challenges

Gwendolyn lost 6Ibs & 2.5 inches!*

She used the products in The 15 Day Challenge: Fruit Punch Iaso® Instant Tea, NRG, and NutraBurst®, Nautica SeaMoss, Life Drops**

Before The 15 Day Challenge, Gwendolyn Branch’s weight developed into a serious issue. In 2015, she lost sight in her left eye, and doctors told her that her weight was to blame. After setting a goal to reduce her weight to 170 pounds, she was told that she would need gastric bypass surgery to succeed.  Overcoming all doubts, she lost 130 pounds by 2021, a physical accomplishment that caused her to win a 2021 TLC transformation contest.

Gwendolyn Branch week 4After sharing her story at a TLC event, Branch received an outpouring of support but still felt that something was missing. “I was still not satisfied with my body even after my transformation,” she said. “Even after I was the transformation winner for the Mind, Body, Spirit event in 2021, there were still moments when I didn’t like what I saw. I felt like a fraud.” Branch expressed that she found it difficult to see people with “perfect bodies” while she felt herself slipping back into old habits, and she began to doubt whether she deserved the reward and recognition. When she discovered The 15 Day Challenge, she recognized an opportunity to maintain a healthy lifestyle and focus on herself.

In January 2022, the habits Branch formed during The 15 Day Challenge helped her reach her goal weight of 170 pounds. During her most recent challenge, she lost 6 pounds and shed 2.5 inches around her waist. For 15 days, she did whatever she could to get moving, whether that meant working out at the gym, making simple changes like taking the stairs, or even dancing while she taught her high-school classes! In addition to taking TLC products every morning, including the products in The 15 Day Challenge Kit, she practiced intermittent fasting to overcome her pattern of late-night eating, prioritizing self-control. Every morning, her coach and so-called “health bully,” DeAngelo Malcolm, checked in with Branch to ensure she was drinking enough water, as he knew she struggled to stay hydrated.

“Before the contest, I lacked energy, was exhausted, and just felt unmotivated. I believe that the past 15 days have helped me refocus my defeated mindset and get back on track,” she said. “People were asking me how I did it, and I told them ‘imperfect consistency.’ It’s not about being perfect on this journey. It’s about waking up every morning and trying to be consistent in the best way you know how.”

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Taking TLC Products is not a substitute for a reduced-calorie diet and exercise if you are trying to lose weight. You should always consult a physician before starting any weight loss or fitness regime.

**Results achieved through one or more 15 Day Challenge cycles combined with sufficient water consumption, Fruit Punch Iaso® Instant Tea, NRG, NutraBurst®, Nautica Sea Moss, Life Drops, a low-calorie, balanced diet, and regular physical activity.

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