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“Life before I started this health journey was exhausting.” Before starting The 15 Day Challenge, Maria DiGrazia faced several health issues, including an eye injury, depression, and esophagitis so severe that it burned a hole through her esophagus. In addition, she claims to have been so embarrassed by her weight that she did not want to leave her house. “Everything I did was mentally and physically draining.”

Week 10 Maria DiGrazia

The 15 Day Challenge helped DiGrazia build a plan for her overall health, centered around a slew of TLC products. “When I take the products, I feel more inclined to make better food choices and plan things better.” After combining her product regimen with a healthier diet and exercise, she began to see progress. Since January 2022, she has lost over 130 pounds.


The 15 Day Challenge not only helped DiGrazia reach her physical goals, but she gained the motivation and confidence to stay active. “I stopped feeling sorry for myself and started trying to be a better mom and a better me.”

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