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Thirty-six years ago, Marina Nitsche-Smith was thrown from a third-story window. The gruesome incident left her with chronic pain, and doctors believed she would never walk again. Nitsche-Smith defied all the odds and gained mobility with the help of a walker. However, the pain she experienced caused her to refrain from much movement, and she gained weight as a result. Now, through a combination of factors nothing short of a miracle, she spends most days pain free and finds it easier to stand and walk.

Before After Photos MARINAWhen Michelle Elliott showed up at Nitsche-Smith’s door, the two barely knew one another, having spoken only through the phone about TLC. Elliott came over to convince Nitsche-Smith to go on a walk. Feeling embarrassed to go out with her walker, she tried to resist, but Elliott was insistent. From that point on, Elliott checked up on Nitsche-Smith every day, motivating her to walk consistently. “Michelle and the team told me they weren’t going to give up on me and that I shouldn’t give up on myself either,” she said. “I cried it out, rejoined the challenges, and started to see the scale change.”

During her most recent 15 Day Challenge, Nitsche-Smith lost 25.9 pounds! As of July 2022, she could walk barely 500 steps. Throughout her challenge, she walked between 5,000 and 8,000 steps per day. Additionally, she used a rowing machine, consumed a wide range of TLC products, drank 64 ounces of water per day, and altered her diet, avoiding red meat, sugar, and flour. She feels that she no longer craves junk food and finds it easier to manage her meals.


Nitsche-Smith overcame countless obstacles to achieve a “better quality of life.” Not only did she lose weight, gain higher mobility, and relieve much of the pain she faced daily, but when asked if she was proud of her accomplishments, her answer was a resounding and immediate “yes.”

*Results achieved through one or more 15 Day Challenge cycles combined with sufficient water consumption, a low calorie, balanced diet, and regular physical activity.

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