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Mark Smith is a survivor. In 2018, he faced a horrific battle with three types of cancer, losing lymph nodes, a kidney, and part of his stomach. For years, he faced hernia after hernia, causing enough damage to his body that about a year ago, doctors informed him that he would need abdominal reconstruction surgery. Before he could undergo the surgery, Smith was told to lose 160 pounds. About a year ago, he weighed about 400 pounds and felt happy just to be alive. Now, he is only 51 pounds away from his goal weight and feels more excited about living to the fullest.

Before After MARK SMITHSmith’s most recent challenges centered on planning and commitment. With recent challenges occurring during the Thanksgiving and Christmas season, he strengthened his resolve to keep large holiday dinners from setting him back on his goals. Smith stressed the importance of portion control, not eating in front of the television, and planning out an eating schedule. Rather than forgoing holiday dinner, Smith simply ate less than he would have before The 15 Day Challenge. In addition to practicing portion control, he consistently exercised every day, walking nearly 10 miles per day and lifting small weights. Plus, Smith is a self-proclaimed “machine” when it comes to drinking water. To help him maintain consistency in his routine, he documented his journey, using his 15 Day Challenge checklist and keeping a detailed food journal. With his wife as his accountability partner, Smith strengthened his commitment to healthy habits in his recent challenges and lost seven pounds during Challenge 3.

With every challenge, Smith gathers more tools to take forward into future challenges. “The 15 Day Challenge just keeps it so simple for me,” he said. “You just put another tool in the box that you can use to get healthy. If you stay true to that 15-day commitment, you’ll be golden, even when you don’t feel like doing it.” Throughout his challenges, Smith has maintained an attitude of focusing on the present day rather than worrying about what’s ahead. “It’s much easier to achieve long-term goals when you can see even small progress,” he said. “Every single challenge is like climbing a set of steps. I’m just moving to the next level.”


With additional challenges this year, Smith hopes to make 2023 the year of “best choices,” not stopping when he reaches his goal weight but carrying on with his healthier lifestyle. “I strengthened my commitment to The 15 Day Challenge process and gained a lot of confidence in knowing that I can make these life changes permanent,” he said. “I am ready for 2023 and am encouraged that this will be my best year yet!”

Mark has completed nine challenges!

He lost seven pounds in Challenge 3!*

Mark used the products in The 15 Day Challenge Kit (Fruit Punch Iaso® Instant Tea, NRG, and NutraBurst®), Infinity Oil, HSN, and Rejuv.**

*Results achieved through one or more TLC 15 Day Challenge cycles combined with a low calorie, balanced diet, and regular physical activity

**Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Taking TLC Products is not a substitute for a reduced-calorie diet and exercise if you are trying to lose weight. You should always consult a physician before starting any weight loss or fitness regime.

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