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Before The 15 Day Challenge, Mayana Blue lacked the time to focus on herself. As a stay-at-home mother of four children, the youngest of whom is autistic, she dedicates her time to her family and virtual workout program, for which she designs exercises to help others get in shape. During The 15 Day Challenge, she felt her focus increase and experienced personal growth.

Manaya Blue

In addition to exercising for 30 minutes every day and eating healthier, Blue used The 15 Day Challenge Kit, looking forward to her “daily morning gentle cleanse” and feeling “lighter” afterward. Throughout her 15 days, she felt that her “mind, body, and soul” were rejuvenated.  “The 15 Day Challenge is more than weight loss. There’s a mental change that takes place as well. It literally changed my weight loss journey. I am a better me because of TLC.”

In addition to losing weight and feeling less bloated, Blue noted the challenge’s positive impact on her home life. “I needed this for all of us. When I’m at my best, so is my family.”

Let's Start This Party



  • LaTonya Hudson says:

    I’m ready Love !! To start my challenge hearing all Testimony are amazing

  • LaTonya Hudson says:

    I’m ready for a new Me ! To start my challenge hearing all Testimony are very rewarding.,

  • Vicenta Emilce Benitez Aguero says:

    Escuchar todos los testimonios es muy gratificante, eso me motiva a seguir con el desafío..

  • Vicenta Emilce Benitez Aguero says:

    Realmente TLC a cambiado mi vida amo todos los productos que me ayudó a mejorar mi salud lo mejor que puedo ayudar a muchas personas a mejorar su salud

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