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About Olivia Beharry:

This is her first 15 Day Challenge!

She lost about 12 pounds*

Olivia Beharry’s life changed forever when her now nine-month-old baby boy was born. Having moved from Guyana to the United States in May 2021, becoming pregnant soon thereafter, she faced drastic changes to her lifestyle in a short period. Struggling to feel full after meals, she found herself eating and snacking late at night, and her weight steadily rose. When she posted a picture to Facebook, an honest comment from a friend, pointing out that she was getting fatter, helped Beharry realize the need for change. Having led an active lifestyle, she reacted in shock when she looked at the picture once again: “That’s not me.”

Olivia BeharryAfter implementing more exercise into her routine, Beharry began to see progress, but she felt that she needed more help to see the results she desired. Then, she found The 15 Day Challenge, which helped her feel better physically and emotionally. “The 15 Day Challenge was extra motivation to get fit and healthy,” she said. “I expected to lose a few inches or a little bit of weight, but the combination of exercise, water, and the products really helped.”

During her challenge, Beharry exercised at a gym close to her home. Though she was previously hesitant to bring her son to a loud, bustling gym, she decided to give it a try to see how he would handle it. He remained calm and well-behaved, showing Beharry that she could be a mother and take care of her own wellness.

Along with her new exercise routine, Beharry made an effort to cut down her snacking and stay hydrated, with a bottle of water constantly at her bedside. She emphasized that improving her diet was not about eliminating but replacing, limiting carbs and sugar in favor of vegetables and protein. After winning a 15 Day Challenge Kit on one of TLC’s live broadcasts, she felt extra motivated and used the products to support her challenge. With all these changes to her routine, she lost six pounds!

“I’m loving the new me! I feel more positive and proud of myself because I stuck it out to the end with commitment and consistency,” Beharry said. “I wanted to prove that it was possible to lose weight while having a child. I am happy with my progress!”

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Taking TLC Products is not a substitute for a reduced-calorie diet and exercise if you are trying to lose weight. You should always consult a physician before starting any weight loss or fitness regime.

**Results achieved through one or more 15 Day Challenge cycles combined with sufficient water consumption, The 15 Day Challenge Kit and Nautica Sea Moss 30 Count Gel Pack, a low calorie, balanced diet, and regular physical activity.

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